Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Living Or Existing??

Indeed there is a BIG difference!!!!!

Living: in active operation or use, alive, having life

Existing: to occur or be present

Are you in active operation HAVING life, or are you JUST present??

It is so easy to get stuck in our routine causing us to forget to live our life or we can even forget HOW to. The day to day becomes so automatic that you can do it without even thinking.
How many of us are just creatures of habits? Are you on Autopilot?

What happens to everything else, while the Autopilot is on? Have you put your goals and dreams on hold? Are you looking for the "right time"? Are you waiting until you have more money in your savings, waiting until you can pay off that car note, or those credit cards, or the mortgage? Are you waiting until the kids are off to college or until you can retire.

While you wait, and are in the rut of the mundane and routine what is happening to your health, your peace of mind, your quality of life? Are you able to spend quality time with the ones you love the most? Are you getting ahead in your finances? Are you aware of what you really have in your home that may cause sickness, disease, health hazards or have the potential to be fatal??? What happens to life RIGHT NOW??? Are you content with mediocrity?

There is no better time than the present to make small changes. The small changes you make today, can amount to big differences later.

It is time to STOP merely existing and time to START living a healthy, vibrant life. Let's get out of debt and secure our financial future without working ridiculous hours and making the next man rich and gain all the accolades while you remain unrecognized. Why should you be overlooked regarding that bonus or that raise? Let's become more conscious of our health and that of our loved ones. It is time to be proactive and do something about what we keep in our homes and what we are doing to OUR environment. What we do everyday affects us and everyone around us and it definitely affects the lives of the children we have coming up.
We want the best for them but are you willing to do what it takes, TODAY??

It is time to really live the American Dream, but we all have a position to play.
Are you ready to play your position?

Living or Existing....You do have a choice!!!

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